How it Started
In May 2013 Past President Kadi Merren-Pentney of the Kiwanis Club of Grand Cayman contacted the Presidents of the Rotary and Lions Clubs on island about starting a joint initiative to do a project together that was too big for any of the clubs to do on their own.
Immediately all club Presidents were on board and together they decided recycling was an important issue that they felt residence needed more information on to make it easier to reduce and reuse!
Immediately after their first social with all clubs uniting in July 2013, Gina McBryan of Rotary Sunrise 'joined in' to start a Facebook page and start promoting recycling and the Rotaract Club of Grand Cayman and Business & Professional Women's Club also showed their support of the project.
The initiative started with two supermarket awareness campaigns where all clubs came together in bright green shirts to hand out business cards with information on how and where you can recycle in Cayman and are now starting competitions in all of the schools to encourage our youth to recycle!
If your Business or group is interested in Joining In and learning more about how they can make recycling a part of their daily lives please contact us at
or Phone (345) 916-8664.
Landfilling is Not a Sustainable Solution
Landfills are the largest source of human caused methane, a greenhouse gas 21 times more powerful than carbon dioxide.
The "US Environmental Protection Agency" admits all landfill liners will eventually leak and their toxic leachate, or garbage juice, can seep into and contaminate soil and groundwater supplies.
Regen an initiative by the local Government and Dart
A multimillion-dollar project is underway to turn the George Town Landfill site into a green space and build state-of-the-art infrastructure that, when finished, will improve recycling and turn materials that aren’t recycled into electricity to power our homes and businesses. ReGen will help create a cleaner and greener Cayman Islands, for the benefit of the whole community.
See: for more info
Recycling by Department of Environmental Health
See: for more info
Recycling at the George Town Landfill
YouTube Video with Workers at the George Town landfill recycling facility
Recycling Containers at the large Supermarkets
The Department of Environmental Health (DEH) maintains nine recycling depots across the islands:
Foster’s at Republix Plaza, West Bay
Camana Bay Recycling Centre, West Bay
Kirk Market, George Town
Foster’s at the Airport Centre, George Town
BarCam Service Station, Red Bay
Foster’s at Countryside Shopping Village, Bodden Town
Haig Bodden Stadium, Bodden Town
Craddock Ebanks Civic Centre, North Side
Captain George Dixon Park, East End
A 24-hour drop-off facility is also available at the George Town landfill.
Please bring clean items only.
Do your part Join In and recycle the following items:

All kind of Paper/Cardboard but NO Paper Plates, Coffee Cups, Pizza Boxes, Waxed Cardboard and Wet Paper.

Only Plastic Type 1 and 2 (See triangel symbol at the bottom).
NO Styrofoam, Plastic Film and Plastic Type 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7.

All Metal Containers, Aluminum Foil & Tin Cans. NO Food contaminated Tins.

All clean Glass Bottles and Jars.
What and Where to Recycle/Reuse
Plastics (Only TYPE 1 & 2 can be recycled, click here for more info)
Look for the following symbols at the bottom of a plastic bottle/container:

. .
All type 1 & 2 plastics, glass bottles and Aluminum cans can be dropped off at:
Foster’s at Republix Plaza, West Bay
Camana Bay Recycling Centre, West Bay
Kirk Market, George Town
Foster’s at the Airport Centre, George Town
BarCam Service Station, Red Bay
Foster’s at Countryside Shopping Village, Bodden Town
Haig Bodden Stadium, Bodden Town
Craddock Ebanks Civic Centre, North Side
Captain George Dixon Park, East End
Water Bottles: No need to buy bottled water, tap water is safe
Click here for: Tap Water or Bottled Water?
ReUse your water bottles and fill them with tap water
Aluminium Cans: Department of Environmental Health bins at:
All Primary Schools, Government High Schools, St Ignatius School, Cayman Prep
First Baptist School, DEH at CI Environmental Center, North Side Civic Centre
All large Supermarkets
Camana Bay Recycling Center
Island Recycling/Island Waste Carriers (Phone 525-3867 or )
Recycling Services (Phone 547-6654 or
Small Batteries: Look for the blue towers at Supermarkets and Schools
Lead acid Car Batteries: Drop off at DEH Landfill
Island Recycling/Island Waste Carriers (Phone 525-3867 or )
Recycling Services (Phone 547-6654 or
Ink/Toner Cartridges:
Cartridge Smart, a subsidiary of JUNK, will recycle and refill any printer cartridges, from small personal printers to large professional copiers. If your office has regular suppliers, check them for sustainability.
Used Motor Oil & Cooking Oil (in clean, leak-proof containers):
Drop off at DEH Landfill
Electronic Waste (computers, office machines):
Scrappers Recycling Ltd (Phone 321-6126 or
Recycling Services (Phone 547-6654 or
Island Recycling/Island Waste Carriers (Phone 525-3867 or )
Drop off at DEH Landfill
White Metal Goods (appliances) & other scrap metal:
Scrappers Recycling Ltd (Phone 321-6126 or
Recycling Services (Phone 547-6654 or
Island Recycling/Island Waste Carriers (Phone 525-3867 or )
Drop off at DEH Landfill
Yard Waste (including Chistmas Trees in January):
Drop off at DEH Landfill (mulch) or Compost it yourself
Tires, Contaminated Oil, Hazardous Chemicals:
Drop off at DEH Landfill for proper disposal
Construction Debris:
Island Recycling/Island Waste Carriers (Phone 525-3867 or )
Drop off at DEH Landfill for proper disposal
Newspapers (clean & dry), Sheets and Towels (used, but clean):
Cayman Islands Humane Society
Gently used books, clothing and household goods (donate for re-use):
Cayman Islands Humane Society
Inquire with local charitable organizations for donation of goods.
Drop off Phone Books
Drop off your old Phone Books at all supermarkets or at Yello Media Group (February/March period only)
Egg / Fruit containers
Drop off your egg cartons from home or bulk cartons as well as clam shell containers (such as strawberries container) to Patrick at Camana Bay outside Bay Market Saturdays from 1-5pm and outside Jessie's Juices Wednesdays from 9am-5pm or call 926-4231 or email
Free derelict Car removal
Island Recycling/Island Waste Carriers (Phone 525-3867 or )
(Dry Cleaning) Wire Clothes Hangers
Island Cleaners has been recycling/reusing wire hangers for over 15 years.
Recycle Bins
Stackable Recycling In-home bins are available from Junk, email:
Large bins are available from DEH, email: